Morvidd, the first Dragon

Dragon Mage Enterprises
Lead Miniatures

Unclassifieds - Bast

Copper Comyn
Female Fighter
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Bast (back) Bast (front) Bast (side)

Tim traded me a paint job on this figure for a halfling in full-plate. At the time, I was having a dickens of a time finding ANY halflings in armor, and I needed one for Fairweather, for Hillary. I've since found a better figurine than the one he gave me, but I still owed him the paint job.

Heather (my local resource on all things Ancient Egyptian) said:

The traditional clothing is going to be white; I would probably wind up doing the detailing in bright yellow (as she's a sun goddess) or light blue (many of the goddesses are depicted with the sacred lotus.

The netjeru in general have flesh of gold and hair of lapis lazuli (and bones of silver, but that's not likely to show in a mini!). Bast, in origin, is not of one of the domestic cat species, but one of the African wildcats that may have eventually been domesticated into the cat. If you want to give her fur patterning or what have you, you might want to see what sort of patterns the wildcats have.

So that's how I painted her.

Created: November 14, 2004
Last updated: November 14, 2004