Morvidd, the first Dragon

Dragon Mage Enterprises
Lead Miniatures

Unclassifieds - Ashlyn Sunsoul

Copper Comyn
Female Fighter

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Ashlyn was the very first character I ever played in a tabletop game. Ever. Thus, it seemed important that she get painted mini, even though the particular tabletop game she played in never used battlemats at all. She's also the third mini I ever painted.

The Ashlyn mini is a Ral Partha bow-woman that I ordered just as the company was going out of business with the wings from their harpy figure. The figure didn't originally have wings; Mark (the other person who taught me about minis) cut the wings in two and managed to fit them around the quiver on the figure's back. Then they taught me about Green Stuff as I used it to make it so that the figure wasn't wearing a bikini anymore.

Her eyes really are supposed to be two different colors - that's not a camera glitch.

Ashlyn Sunsoul

Created: November 13, 2004
Last updated: November 13, 2004